

IL PLUS+ Apple hand wash is specially formulated with mild surfactant, PH controlled formula easily remove stains oil, soil, dirt and grease on hands, It leaves hands fresh, moist and fragrant.
IL PLUS+ 蘋果洗手液採用溫和界面活性劑專門配製,PH值控製配方可輕鬆去除手上的污漬油污、污垢、污垢和油脂,讓雙手清新、濕潤和芳香。

Clean and Hygiene, Moisturises skin. Economical to use.

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Benefit Whitening, Skin Recovery, Moistening Skin, Natural Scrubber.
  Ingredients Soap Noodles, Moisture, Fragrance Vital Milk, Titanium Dioxide, EDTA-4Na ( Tetra Sodium EDTA ) , Goat Milk Powder.